I would like to know how to calculate 80% IPA into 2,000 ml bottle. How much of it in grams/oz to add?
As I tell my students almost every day, you CAN'T calculate it. You have to look it up, because you don't know the volume of mixing that is determined by the INTERACTION between isopropanol and water. I found some data in
Cite this: J. Chem. Eng. Data 1962, 7, 3, 358–360
Densities and Refractive Indices of Alcohol-Water Solutions n-Propyl, Isopropyl, and Methyl Alcohols
You'll have to interpolate between 77.9% and 89.8% to find the correct density of 80% aqueous isopropanol.
Here's another source (The Engineers' Toolbox):
Density of aqueous solutions of organic substances as sugars and alcohols
It states that the density of 80% isopropanol is 0.9696 g/mL at 20°C.
In molality terms, 66.556 mole ispropanol per kg or water.
Alex Madonik
Peralta Community College
Oakland, CA