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Can you make Phosphoric acid using Bone Meal and Vinegar?

and if not then what exactly?

I am an Organic Gardener, striving to be Regenerative and I recently discovered that simply dissolving some Ash in Vinegar created Ca+ water, which for me was exactly what was needed for my tough Magnesium clay. Now searching for free+ potential potassium thru steamed bone meal instead of ash, and I am now stuck on how to solve the formula of what exactly is left over from any reaction from vinegar w steamed bone meal. I suspected Phosphoric acid but if Ca+ water is present I also assume phosphoric acid to be water soluble, so I am lost, but it seems a worthy curiosity if not a solid benefit potential, it's driving me a bit mad.ha. I have been unable to get a real answer as of late and would love to hear any conclusion or at least a discussion. Thank you.

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