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Using the ACS Network To Host Your Website

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As you evaluate options for hosting your website, you may want to consider using the ACS Network as an interim or permanent host. Several members have asked us for information about what a website on the ACS Network might look like. In this post, we're sharing a test site we created for the Virginia Local Section. Thanks to Ann Sullivan for agreeing to let us feature the ACS Network-based demo website we created for her local section to consider.

Website elements

Based on conversations with Ann, we focused on including the content her team identified as critical content for her section's members. We then looked at the presentation options that the ACS Network supports and drafted the layout for the test site.


The site's content includes a Welcome from the Chair and a view to how content is categorized on the left-side column. The center column focuses on announcements, which are managed as a series of blog posts. These are the posts for the Mentor Matching Program and the Great Pumpkin Periodic Table Event. The right-hand column includes navigation to the site's primary (most visited) content, and sections devoted to contributions from local section members, monthly newsletters, and Upcoming Events.

Next steps

If you want to investigate using the ACS Network to host your group's website, please read the posts we have created about the ACS Network capabilities and the blog posts about assessing your current website and defining your goals for the site. Contact us at​ with the outline of your site's critical content and any questions about the ACS Network. We'll respond with suggestions detailing how we can help you set up a Network-based site, as well as a shortcut URL that will take visitors directly to your content.