Component Group Best Practices

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Component Group Best Practices

This category contains resources meant to aid ACS Local Sections, Technical Divisions, and other component groups set up and maintain a website on the ACS Network. Content posted here can help you build a successful online presence for your community.
New Contributor III

With the termination of the web-hosting service, we have seen a large migration of Local Section Websites to the ACS Network. The majority of these transitions took place rather smoothly last summer, and since then, a few local sections have done

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4 0 1,595
New Contributor III

When it comes to developing a valuable web presence for your component group, building a website is only half the battle. Regardless of your site’s content or design, if no one visits the space, there is no real value in its existence. That being said, we

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1 0 1,326
Community Manager
Community Manager

We have seen many groups try to preserve the history of their group on their website. As a professional who has worked in the web field for many years, I can say this is generally not a good practice. It can clutter your site and make it difficult for bot

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0 0 608
Community Manager
Community Manager
Check your permissions

If we set you up with a new forum, it is likely that you will have to change the permissions on the forum once you are ready to go public. You should try accessing your forum without being logged into the ACS Network. If it i


 First, only admins will have

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0 2 1,278
Community Manager
Community Manager

As mid-May approaches, we want to remind you that we the deadline to have websites off of is drawing near.  We would like to request that groups who have done so, please let us know where your new website is.  Even if you if you have not moved it

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0 0 603
Using the ACS Network To Host Your Website

As you evaluate options for hosting your website, you may want to consider using the ACS Network as an interim or permanent host. Several members have asked us for information about what a website on the ACS Network might look like. In this post, we're sh

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2 0 1,102