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ACS GCI Industrial Roundtable Update

Contributor III
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Pharmaceutical Roundtable request help filling data gaps in their solvent selection guide.

The ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable Solvent Selection Guide is based on an evaluation of a number of endpoints including safety, health, and environmental properties.  In some cases, there were no publicly available data for some of these endpoints for certain solvents. The guide reflects ongoing evaluation of publicly available information. Table 1 illustrates the missing data points for the respective solvents.  To improve the quality of the Solvent Selection Guide, the Roundtable is seeking to fill these data gaps.  Anyone with data on these missing data points is asked to contact the ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable at  Thank you for your support!

Welcome new members!

Ajinomoto North America became a member of the ACS GCI Chemical Manufacturer’s Roundtable. 

Rochester Midland Corporation became a member of the ACS GCI Formulators’ Roundtable. 

New members and prospective members are welcome at any time throughout the year in any of the ACS GCI Roundtables.  If you or your company would like to learn more, please contact Julie Manley at  Upcoming Roundtable meetings and events are co-located with the 17th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference the week of June 17 in Bethesda, MD.

Recent publications:

Comparative Performance Evaluation and Systematic Screening of Solvents in a Range of Grignard React..., published online May 3, 2013 in Green Chemistry, is the result of a collaborative research grant from the ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable to Prof. Wei Zhang, University of Massachusetts-Boston.  The work summarizes the outcome of a systematic evaluation of the reaction efficiency, ease of subsequent work-up, safety and greenness of the solvent effect on the Grignard reaction of benzyl, aryl and heteroaromatic substrates. 

Sustainable Practices in Medicinal Chemistry: Current State and Future Directions published online April 15, 2013 in the ACS Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,  is a perspective on the current state of environmentally sustainable practices in medicinal chemistry.  The medicinal chemistry group of the ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable aimed to share best practices more widely as well as highlight future developments.

Green Chemistry Articles of Interest to the Pharmaceutical Industry, published online on March 20, 2013 in Organic Process Research & Development, highlights greener pharmaceutically relevant advances as reported in recent literature. 

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