In lieu of a phone call during finals, I'll try this new-fangled method of keeping up.
Please share an update of activity in your subcommittee and your own as it relates to LSAC. Some particular items are below that I am aware of:
LSAD - Completion petitions for combining sections in NY and OK. Any notes on situations in sections on the lists?
G&A - Updating of guidelines
A&P - Current on Bridging the Gap and Science Cafe grants
TTO - Annual Report revision process and progress. Comments from stakeholders?
Office - Status on getting all Annual Reports submitted?
The Online Speaker Directory goes live late this week or next. It currently has 46 speakers in it with another 20 being reviewed for inclusion by Wayne, Will and myself as backup. There is a Webinar this Thursday afternoon/evening (7 PM EDT) that has about 60 sections signed up and a bit more individuals as of yesterday. I thought we should try a different time of day and see if listeners found that easier.
I would like to plan a call in late June to catch up on items, particularly the Annual Report revision and other pending actions/situations. As in SF, I think we should plan on a phone call a week or so before the meeting. Friday night can be informal depending on who is in town to get together. For Sunday lunch, if you feel your committee needs more time to complete discussions, you can continue over lunch and submit a modest bill.
Many thanks for your help and efforts. I look forward to hearing form each of you,
On behalf of the Alliances & Partnership Sub-Committee - here is our update: