Have you ever been curious to know what happens to that pizza you just ate? How many cups of coffee is too many? Which is better for breakfast: a Snicker's candy bar or an omelette with a side of sausage? Are brussells sprouts actually good for you? Well now is your chance to find out!
On Wednesday, March 19th from 6-8pm at the Brookby Estate the Aquinas Chemical Society will be hosting Van Andel Institutes's Dr. Jason Cooper. Dr. Cooper will be facilitating a conversation on the science of metabolism. An informative and excellently designed (not by me) poster is attached as a .png file which gives details of the event.
Location and Parking
The conversation will be held at the Brookby Estate of Aquinas College at 250 Plymouth R. SE, East Grand Rapids. You can park at the Plymouth lot. I have attached a map. The Plymouth lot is #14 on the map. It is just west of Plymouth on Robinson Rd.
Here is a Google Map of the area: Helpful map from Google
Bus Travel
Ride the Rapid route 6 has a stop at Wealthy and Plymouth which is one block south of Brookby. Here are a couple of links to route 6 information.
Route 6 map
Route 6 Schedule