By the ACS Green Chemistry Institute
For the ACS Green Chemistry Institute Pharmaceutical Roundtable (GCIPR), global collaboration to implement sustainable strategies is a strategic priority. The Roundtable approaches this in several ways including encouraging global membership, participating in events in Asia, Europe, and the U.S., and through their focus on advancing green chemistry throughout the global supply chain.
In addition, the Roundtable collaborates with a variety of organizations around the world, including the IQ Consortium, the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI), the Green ChemistTree Foundation in India, and the Chinese Chemistry Society, among others.
An important venue for outreach to global suppliers is the Convention on Pharmaceutical Ingredients (CPHI) events. These conferences are a pharma supplier hub where companies around the world meet under the same roof to showcase their products and capabilities. At the recent CPHI Barcelona event, Dr. Isamir Martinez, ACS GCI’s Scientific Alliances and Business Engagement Sr. Portfolio Manager, presented on behalf of the GCIPR. Dr. Martinez had been invited to participate in the Quality Medicines symposium and panel organized by Dr. John Gianonne, Vice President of Industry Programs & Growth Programs at USP.
In this symposium, Dr. Martinez described the importance of green chemistry adoption to deliver high-quality medicines. She also highlighted the use of green chemistry tools and metrics to develop greener processes and how their use can improve the supplier's sustainability profile. She also emphasized GCIPR pharma members are eager to partner with their suppliers to improve the sustainability profile of manufacturing, and to account for Scope 3 metrics in their sustainability reports. The presentation was well-received and companies, consultants and NGO's showed interest in the tools and metrics presented.
Besides the opportunity to connect to suppliers, the ACS Green Chemistry Institute was able to partner with other ACS groups—C&EN, ACS Publications and CAS at this show. All groups collaborated to showcase how ACS as a whole strives to improve people’s life through the power of chemistry.