GCI Nexus Blog

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GCI Nexus Blog

The Nexus Blog and Newsletter is published by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to connect and expand the global green chemistry and engineering community. Learn more about us: www.acs.org/gci.
Honored Contributor
Local Solutions for a Global Challenge: Clean Water and Sanitation in the Face of Climate Change
Contributed by Ashley Baker, Scientific Content and Community Manager (Contractor), ACS Green Chemistry Institute

To set the stage for the upcoming ACS Clean Water Summit on December 11, two of the organizers shared their perspectives on the biggest chall

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0 0 643
Honored Contributor
Common Goals and Untapped Potential of the Green Chemistry and Environmental Justice Movements
By Sederra Ross, Program Specialist, ACS Green Chemistry Institute

The environmental justice and green chemistry movements have a mirrored history and share a common goal, which is for a clean and healthier environment for this and future generations. How

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Honored Contributor
Zero Hunger & the Role of Chemistry

By Christiana Briddell, Sr. Communication Manager, ACS Green Chemistry Institute

The U.N. Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger has been the focus of several initiatives lately across the ACS and beyond.

In December, the ACS Office of Sustainability

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Honored Contributor

By Aurora Ginzburg, Education Specialist, ACS Green Chemistry Institute

The U.N. reports that 2.2 billion people still lack safely managed drinking water and 1 in 4 health care facilities lacks basic services.  It’s been estimated that in 2015 alone 1.8 million deaths were caused by water pollution. The U.N. has designated targets within Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, Clean Water and Sanitation, that aim to address these issues. These challenging, expansive issues resulting from a lack of or aging infrastructure, legacy chemical pollution, drought, and water rights issues will require different solutions depending on the region. There are issues of both water purity and access, and chemists are best equipped to address the challenge of purity. In particular, Targets 6.3 and 6.A necessitate chemistry technologies:

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