GCI Nexus Blog - Page 3

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GCI Nexus Blog - Page 3

The Nexus Blog and Newsletter is published by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to connect and expand the global green chemistry and engineering community. Learn more about us: www.acs.org/gci.
Honored Contributor
Boron Nitride: A New Selective Catalyst for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane

Contributed by Joseph T. Grant, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ive Hermans, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Chemical & Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Chemical catalysis play

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0 0 2,015
Honored Contributor
Critical Elements Series: Helium Shortage to Occur in the Next 25-50 years

Contributed by Amanda Morris and Lauren Winstel, Research Assistants, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

As the second most abundant element in the universe, it seems strange to think of helium as endangered. The gas has a wide variety of uses, from cryogenics

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0 0 7,988
Honored Contributor
Alkyl Carbanion Derived from Carbonyl Umpolung for Nucleophilic Additions

Contributed by Xijie Dai, M.Sc., Ph.D. candidate; Haining Wang; and Chao-Jun Li, Ph.D.; McGill University

Secondary and tertiary alcohols, especially chiral ones, are important chemical building blocks found in various biologically active complex molecules

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0 0 2,510
Honored Contributor
Transforming End-of-Life Bits Into Tomorrow’s Atoms: So Why Can’t We Just Recycle It? (Part 2)

Contributed by Mark Evans, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Camston Wrather

The prior installment of this series (Part 1) touched on the consumption and disposal volumes of electronic waste (e-waste) and its impacts. This article will cover a technic

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0 3 2,253
Honored Contributor
Engineering Green Biocatalysts for Chemical Reactions Not Known in Biology

Contributed by K. E. Hernandez, Ph.D. candidate working for Professor Frances Arnold, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology

Catalysts are important tools in green chemistry because they enable reduced-waste manu

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0 0 100K
Honored Contributor
Inspiring Sustainable Drug Manufacturing with a Unified Green Chemistry Goal

Contributed by Frank Roschangar, Director, Chemical Development, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals

Collaborators: Juan Colberg (Pfizer), Peter J. Dunn (Pfizer – retired), Fabrice Gallou (Novartis), John D. Hayler (GlaxoSmithKline), Stefan G. Koenig (Gen

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0 0 1,441
Honored Contributor
Novel Technology for Performance-Driven Green Chemistry

Gary Spilman, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, Resinate Materials Group, Inc.

In 2013, the U.S. produced 9.4 billion pounds of plastic bottles, yet less than 31 percent of them were recycled. That means 6.5 billion pounds of plastic bottles are destined for lan

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0 0 1,989
Honored Contributor
What Do Solvents Do, Anyway?

Contributed by Kendra Leahy, Graduate Student and Ph.D. Candidate, University of Cincinnati

If you asked my research adviser, Professor James Mack, why chemistry is done in solution, you would most likely get a response that started like this: “Well, there

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0 0 5,296
Honored Contributor
The Dawn of Biodegradable Robots

Contributed By Jonathan Winfield 1, Jonathan Rossiter 2 and Ioannis Ieropoulos, Ph.D. 1, Bristol BioEnergy Centre, Bristol Robotics Laboratory 1, University of the West of England, Dept. of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol 2

Robotics is a fie

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0 0 2,437
Honored Contributor
Diversifying a Biodegradable Polymer by Using Iron-Based Catalysts

Contributed by Jeffery A. Byers, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Boston College

It is particularly challenging to find an application where synthetic plastics have not become important. From disposable bags, cutlery and cups, lightweight automobil

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0 0 2,263
Honored Contributor
Ready, Set, Innovate…Sustainably!

Contributed by Dr. Julie Haack, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Oregon

Walking into the innovation hub at 942 Olive is like walking into another world. The rough open interior looks more like a hip modern design studio than a univer

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0 0 1,914
Honored Contributor
An Industry Perspective on Improving Processes: Interview with Microinnova Engineering GmbH Founder, Dr. Dirk Kirschneck

Contributed by Ashley Baker, Research Assistant, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

When Dr. Kirschneck arrived at the 20th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference he wasn’t certain he’d find an audience interested in his work around process intensif

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0 0 1,652
Honored Contributor
Researchers from Penn State and Universiti Sains Malaysia are Awarded BioPharma Grants

Contributed by Christiana Briddell, Communications and Outreach Manager, Green Chemistry Institute®

Accounting for 20% of today’s global pharmaceutical market, biopharmaceuticals have emerged as a significant share of pharmaceutical research and developmen

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0 0 1,118
Honored Contributor
ACS GCI Pharma Roundtable Releases Free Reagent Guides to the Public

The ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable (GCIPR) is pleased to be releasing a set of eight Reagent Guides. Like the Roundtable’s Solvent Selection Guide, which helps chemists choose better solvents, these eight guides will serve as a mechanism for scientists

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0 0 1,185
Honored Contributor
Announcing the Winner of 2016 GC&E Business Plan Competition: Grow Bioplastics

For its fourth year, the ACS GCI held a business plan competition as part of the 20th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference. There were four semi-finalists, all of which convened in Portland, OR to pitch their companies for the winning title a

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0 0 698