GCI Nexus Blog - Page 4

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GCI Nexus Blog - Page 4

The Nexus Blog and Newsletter is published by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to connect and expand the global green chemistry and engineering community. Learn more about us: www.acs.org/gci.
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director

Contributed by David Constable, Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

In the past month there have been several notable events I’d like to talk about. On the 16th of October I was privileged to be a part of the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awa

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0 0 719
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director: Moving beyond the single "green" metric

Contributed by David Constable, Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

Over the past year the quantity and diversity of articles published in The Nexus is one demonstration of just how much is happening in green chemistry and engineering. This is evidenc

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0 0 918
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director

By David Constable, Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

This is going to be a necessarily shorter than usual post given the fact that it’s hard to maintain the pace of the last few months of travel.

In case you didn’t know, there are few states that ar

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0 0 564
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director

By David Constable, Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

It’s been an incredibly eventful summer for Green Chemistry starting with the 18th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference that I wrote about in my June column. Since then, I’ve had the

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0 0 586
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director: GG&E Conference Recap

Once again it was a very hectic winter and spring this year as the ACS GCI staff prepared for 18th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference held this past week. Conferences like this require a significant amount of work on the part of many people

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0 0 1,051
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director: Critical Materials & Endangered Elements

By David Constable, Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

This month in The Nexus, we are highlighting the topic of critical materials and endangered elements. I would suggest that this is something often overlooked by most people, including chemists an

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0 0 3,306
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director

I missed writing something for the Nexus last month and over the period of time since I last wrote there have been a number of significant events I’d like to tell you about.

On the 11th of March I had the opportunity to take part in a gathering at the NASA

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0 0 517
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director: Life As We Know It

I've started reading a book called “Countdown” with the subtitle “Our last, best hope for a future on earth?” by Alan Weisman. It is a sequel to Weisman's book “The World Without Us,” where the “Us” is people. Where “The World Without Us” describes how ea

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0 0 588
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director: Looking Ahead

It has been a year now since I've started working at the ACS GCI and I’m not quite sure how the days accumulated into weeks and months that passed so quickly. I’m also not sure how we managed to accomplish so much but I think it has to do with having an a

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0 0 536
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director: Green Chemistry is Alive & Well in the EU and India

Contributed by David Constable, Director, ACS GCI

I think it’s been a very eventful month for green chemistry!  EcoChem was held the 19th through the 21st in Basel, Switzerland.  Billed as the largest green chemistry event of its kind, it certainly attract

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1 0 1,068
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director: Toxics - A Systemic Issue

Since the passage of the California Green Chemistry legislation I've noticed a significant uptick in activities related to the presence of toxic substances in consumer products brought to the public's attention by this law being enacted. The number of tra

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0 0 808
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director: Two months on the road

The past six weeks have been eventful. In early September there was the ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis and that was an enjoyable week.  Indianapolis turned out to be a great venue with lots of good programming and some very memorable events. I espec

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0 0 961
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director - August 2013

Last month I mentioned that I was looking forward to the ACS Summer School on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Energy that was held the week of July 22nd, and now I can report it was, once again, an unqualified success. There was a great mix of talks and I

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0 0 678
Contributor III
Message from the Director: GC&E Conference, Rational Molecular Design, & more

By most any measure you use, I think the 17th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference was a great success. There were 32 technical sessions covering a range of disciplines and 488 Conference registrants. The Student Workshop was personally exhau

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1 0 1,233
Contributor III
Message from the Director

It has been a hectic month as the ACS GCI Team has geared up for the 17th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference to be held the 18th through the 20th of June in North Bethesda, MD.  The conference is shaping up to be a great event, with 32 tech

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0 0 449