GCI Nexus Blog - Page 33

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GCI Nexus Blog - Page 33

The Nexus Blog and Newsletter is published by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to connect and expand the global green chemistry and engineering community. Learn more about us: www.acs.org/gci.
Honored Contributor
20th Annual GC&E Sneak Peak- Part 1

The sessions in this year’s 20th Annual GC&E Conference are packed with the latest research and discoveries in green chemistry and engineering. Take a look through the sessions – as described by the organizers themselves – to learn more about what real-wo

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0 0 1,018
Honored Contributor
Nathan Lewis to Give Keynote Address at the 20th Annual GC&E Conference

Contributed by Ashley Baker, Research Assistant, ACS GCI

Dr. Nathan Lewis is the George L. Argyros Professor of Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology where he has been a professor at since 1988. The CalTech Lewis Group focuses on photoelectr

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0 0 1,255
Honored Contributor
Addie's Picks for the 20th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference

Contributed by Adelina Voutchkova-Kostal, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, The George Washington University and co-chair of the GC&E Advisory Committee

This year’s Green Chemistry and Engineering (GC&E) Conference celebrates its 20th anniversary, and for

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0 0 654
Honored Contributor
Yale University and George Washington University Students Win 2016 Breen Memorial Fellowship

The Joseph Breen Memorial Fellowship is awarded to undergraduates through early career scientists who demonstrate outstanding research or educational interest in green chemistry. The 2016 Breen winners are Sarah Kwan, Yale University, and John-Hanson Mach

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0 0 3,198
Honored Contributor
Polysaccharides as Sustainable Starting Materials for Novel Responsive Nanoparticles

Contributed by Kai Zhang Wood Technology and Wood Chemistry, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Büsgenweg 4

Nature provides a huge source of sustainable biopolymers, such as cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin from plant. Their use in human history has

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0 0 1,949
Honored Contributor
ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable Awards $150,000 to Fund Continuous Flow Research at Leeds, Temple and California State University

Each year the ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable awards targeted grants to fund key research priorities. These grants spur impactful and highly relevant green chemistry research in alignment with the critical needs of the industry. Green research grants of

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0 0 3,797
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry News Roundup: April 9-15, 2016

How a Competitor's Data can Help your Company Cut Pollution

April 14, 2016 | GreenBiz

Companies looking for ways to reduce pollution need look no further than the Environmental Protection Agency.

Companies Get Serious About Water Use

April 13, 2016 | BBC New

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0 0 538
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry News Roundup: April 2-8, 2016

Tesla’s Model 3 orders are through the roof. Here’s what that means for the planet.

April 6, 2016 | Washington Post

Tesla Motors unveiled its latest electric car, the Model 3, on March 31, with a lower price tag and 2017 delivery date. Tesla chief executiv

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1 0 632
Honored Contributor
The Impact of My First Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference

Contributed by Thomas P. Umile, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Gwynedd Mercy University

“I am pleased to announce that you have been selected to receive an NSF Student Scholarship to attend the 2007 Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, June 26-29,

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0 0 1,649
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry News Roundup: March 26-31, 2016

New bachelor programme in chemistry opens doors to international jobs

March 30, 2016 | University of Copenhagen News

Denmark needs chemists who can develop efficient and environmentally sound extraction of fossil oil and gas.

Toxicity is a hazardous waste


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0 0 422
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry News Roundup: March 13-25, 2016

BPA Substitute can trigger Fat Cell Formation: Chemical used in BPA-free products exhibits similar endocrine-disrupting effects

March 22, 2016 | Science Daily

Exposure to a substitute chemical often used to replace bisphenol A in plastics can encourage th

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0 0 879
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director

Contributed by David Constable, Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

I think I’m still trying to come to terms with how fast the year is going by; we’re finishing the first quarter already and Spring has officially arrived!  We eagerly await the cherry

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0 0 871
Honored Contributor
Paul Anastas to Keynote: 20th Anniversary GC&E Conference

Many of our readers will have heard of Dr. Paul Anastas, currently of Yale, as an early champion of green chemistry whose passion and drive continue to advance the field. Anastas, then with the EPA was one of the organizers of the first GC&E Conference an

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0 0 1,945
Hydrogen Production is No Light Matter


To make an alkane from an alkene, a carboxylic acid from a nitrile, or a ketone from an alcohol, a chemist will most likely consider hydrogen a key ingredient. What a chemist might not consider, for these and many other cornerstone reactions,

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1 0 2,361
Honored Contributor
Call for Applications 2016 GC3 Innovators Internship Program

The Green Chemistry Commerce Council (GC3) is pleased to announce the second annual Innovators Internship Program, which places technically proficient students into sustainability-related summer internships with their member companies. The interns spend 1

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0 0 862