GCI Nexus Blog - Page 52

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GCI Nexus Blog - Page 52

The Nexus Blog and Newsletter is published by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to connect and expand the global green chemistry and engineering community. Learn more about us: www.acs.org/gci.
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director: Green Chemistry is Alive & Well in the EU and India

Contributed by David Constable, Director, ACS GCI

I think it’s been a very eventful month for green chemistry!  EcoChem was held the 19th through the 21st in Basel, Switzerland.  Billed as the largest green chemistry event of its kind, it certainly attract

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1 0 1,069
Honored Contributor
2013 Ciba Award Winners Selected

The American Chemical Society's Green Chemistry Institute announced winners of The Ciba Travel Awards in Green Chemistry on November 18, 2013. The award is open to student applicants from high school through graduate level programs to help them attend an

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0 0 1,632
Honored Contributor
Chatham University Launches Green Chemistry MS Program

Contributed by Bill Campbell, Vice President of Marketing, Chatham University

Chatham University, Pittsburgh, PA  recently launched a new Master of Science in Green Chemistry (MSCG) program. Chatham University has worked with leaders in education, and the

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0 0 945
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director: Toxics - A Systemic Issue

Since the passage of the California Green Chemistry legislation I've noticed a significant uptick in activities related to the presence of toxic substances in consumer products brought to the public's attention by this law being enacted. The number of tra

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0 0 813
ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable EU Lecture Series

Meike Niggemann, a Junior-Professor at RWTH Aachen University in Germany, has been selected as the 2013 ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable Distinguished Lecturer. The ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable recognizes a professor whose research is very highly re

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0 0 1,157
Honored Contributor
More Than Hot Air: Finding Ways to Reuse Carbon Dioxide

Reusing the major greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial plants — rather than releasing its warming potential into the environment — is on the verge of becoming a commercial reality. Several large chemical companies in Germany and small start

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0 0 793
Honored Contributor
Seventy-Four ACS Student Chapters Win Green Chemistry Award

All over the country, chemistry undergraduate students are doing green chemistry outreach and activities as part of their ACS Student Chapters. To recognize their efforts, ACS GCI presents a Green Chemistry award to chapters that have done at least three

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0 1 1,261
Honored Contributor
University of Michigan, Office of Campus Sustainability, Receives Green Chemistry Governor Award 2013

Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality awarded its Green Chemistry Governor Award 2013 in the Education Category to the University of Michigan, Office of Campus Sustainability (OSC).

OCS received the award for its continued efforts to make U-M labo

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0 0 887
New Contributor
The Five Basic Rules for the Entrepreneurial Green Chemist - Part Two

For those of you unfamiliar with the process of dragging a company kicking and screaming through a university system, it requires people that believe in what you are doing (both from the university Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) and from your own tea

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0 0 963
Honored Contributor
Plasticity Forum Misses The Point

C&EN recently published a business article about the 2nd Annual Plasticity Forum, which took place in Hong Kong, June 2013. The forum was convened to address the growing problems of plastic waste that accumulates in the environment. Plastic bags, bottles,

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0 0 734
Honored Contributor
Communicating Sustainability in the Bio-Based Chemical Industry

by Kathryn Sheridan, CEO, Sustainability Consult

In recent years, the bio-based chemical industry has experienced steady growth and interest in the ‘bioeconomy’, an economy based on the consumption and production of materials from renewable sources. Compan

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0 0 1,296
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director: Two months on the road

The past six weeks have been eventful. In early September there was the ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis and that was an enjoyable week.  Indianapolis turned out to be a great venue with lots of good programming and some very memorable events. I espec

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0 0 964
ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable and Rutgers University's "Catalysis in Green Chemistry" Symposium

ACS GCI kicked off October in New Brunswick, NJ with the ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable. As you may know, the Institute convenes the Pharmaceutical, Formulators', and Chemical Manufacturer's Roundtables to promote the implementation of green chemistry

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1 0 1,280
New Contributor II
Sustainable & Green Chemistry Enthusiasts Become ACS Fellows!

The American Chemical Society (ACS) Fellows Program was created by the ACS Board of Directors in December 2008 to recognize members of ACS for outstanding achievements in and contributions to science, the profession, and the Society.  This year, 96 remark

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0 0 1,239
New Contributor II
Dr. David Wylie: Remembering a Colleague and a Friend

"Like a Comet

Blazing ‘cross the evening sky

Gone to soon

Like a rainbow

Fading in the twinkling of an eye

Gone too Soon…"

David Wylie was a native of New Zealand and joined the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® (ACS GCI) in 2011 as the Program Manager.  For over

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1 0 1,811