GCI Nexus Blog - Page 2

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GCI Nexus Blog - Page 2

The Nexus Blog and Newsletter is published by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to connect and expand the global green chemistry and engineering community. Learn more about us: www.acs.org/gci.
Contributor III
U.N. Sustainable Development Goal #2 – End Hunger:  What Can Chemists Do?

By Christiana Briddell, Sr. Communications Manager, ACS Green Chemistry Institute, and featuring Yalinu Poya, Ph.D. student at the University of Glasgow.

When you start to scratch the surface of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the first thin

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0 0 3,877
Honored Contributor
Bringing Industrial Green Chemistry to India

By Krishna Padia, Green ChemisTree Foundation, Mumbai, India

The Green ChemisTree Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in Mumbai, India. The Foundation works to increase technical knowledge in green chemistry in all sectors of the economy. Through

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1 0 1,878
Honored Contributor
ACS International Student Chapter Highlight: University of Delhi

Contributed by: Radhika Gupta and Gunjan Arora, Members of ACS International Student Chapter, University of Delhi, India

The ACS International Student Chapter at the University of Delhi in India has been actively involved in organizing several national and

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0 0 1,291
Honored Contributor

Get ready to celebrate the periodic table! The U.N. has named 2019 the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT) in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the publication of Mendeleev’s groundbreaking Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. The Intern

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0 0 1,768
Honored Contributor
Global Green Chemistry Initiative – Building Green Chemistry Capacity Around the World with UNIDO and Community

The Center for Green Chemistry & Green Engineering at Yale is collaborating with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on a three-year project to increase the general global awareness and capacities on deployable green chemistry i

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0 0 1,057
Honored Contributor
India Makes Strides Toward a Greener Future with the Green Chemistry Network Centre and the Green ChemisTree Foundation

Contributed by David Constable, Ph.D., Science Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

I have just returned from almost two weeks in India, where I had the privilege of participating in several conferences and workshops. Traveling to India makes for a lon

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2 0 2,297
Honored Contributor
IGCW-2017 Advances Green Chemistry Innovation in India

Contributed by Malka Doshi, Green Relations Officer, Green ChemisTree Foundation

The ACS Green Chemistry Institute is once again partnering with the Green ChemisTree Foundation, India for the 5th Industrial Green Chemistry World (IGCW-2017) Convention and

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0 0 2,472
Honored Contributor
Understanding nature helps unlock the potential of nanomaterials through cheaper, greener and safer methods

Contributed by Siddharth V. Patwardhan, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Joseph R. H. Manning, Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering, University of Sheffield

This blog is based on a recent article and associated

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0 0 2,454
Honored Contributor
Green Polyurethane

Contributed by Oleg Figovsky, Director of Research and Development, Hybrid Coating Technologies; and Alexander Leykin, Olga Birukova, Raisa Potashnikova, and Leonid Shapovalov, Polymate Ltd. International Nanotechnology Research Center

Non-isocyanate Hybri

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0 0 4,834
New Contributor II
Critical Elements Series: Iridium – An Amazingly Useful Element, but at What Cost??

According to the U.S. Department of the Interior, iridium in the Earth’s crust is thought to have come from the same asteroid or comet believed to have caused the extinction of dinosaurs. While crustal abundance of iridium is estimated at 0.001ppm[1], the

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1 2 9,365
Honored Contributor
Activation and Discovery of Earth-Abundant Metal Catalysts Enabled by Sodium tert-Butoxide

Contributed by J. H. Docherty and S. P. Thomas, EaStCHEM School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh

Chemical catalysis is an engine that powers modern society. The majority of modern chemical transformations, however, rely on the use of precious metals,

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0 1 4,364
Honored Contributor
Fighting Climate Change through Chemistry: GreenCentre’s IHC4 Program

Contributed by Laura M. Reyes, Marketing & Communications Coordinator, GreenCentre Canada

It is critically important that the right resources are readily available to advance chemistry technologies with the potential to impact climate change. GreenCentre’s

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1 0 1,282
Honored Contributor
Nature Is Alive with Green Chemistry

Contributed by Mark Dorfman, Biomimicry Chemist, Biomimicry 3.8

Nature, the oldest and wisest chemist, is by necessity, a green chemist. By “nature”, I’m referring to the living natural world. Unlike inanimate rocks and minerals, organisms are constrained

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0 0 2,264
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry Workshop for Drug Development and Education

Contributed by Catherine Rawlins, Chair of the Northeastern Section American Chemical Society - Younger Chemists Committee (NSYCC)

Over the years of my involvement in the NSYCC, our group and our goals have grown considerably. We continuously expand activ

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0 0 684
Honored Contributor
Deinove: Leveraging Biotechnology to Produce Innovative Natural Ingredients

Contributed by Coralie Martin, Communication, Marketing and IR Manager, Deinove; Dennis McGrew, Chief Business Officer, Deinove

More consumers are seeking out products labeled as “natural.” This is especially true in some specific market segments, such as

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0 0 1,612