GCI Nexus Blog - Page 8

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GCI Nexus Blog - Page 8

The Nexus Blog and Newsletter is published by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to connect and expand the global green chemistry and engineering community. Learn more about us: www.acs.org/gci.
Honored Contributor
Greening the ACS Student Chapter at Gordon College

Contributed by Irvin J. Levy, Professor of Chemistry and Department Chair, Gordon College.

Green Chemistry Principle #9 – Catalysis. As I look at the adventure that I have had over the past 25 years mentoring the ACS student chapter at Gordon College, eith

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0 0 1,463
Honored Contributor
A Roadmap for Green Chemistry Education: August Update

The 19th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference sparked an enthusiastic buzz around green chemistry education leading us up to the first education roadmap visioning workshop. The roadmap for green chemistry education project is a broad-scale, c

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0 0 720
Honored Contributor
The 2015 Green Chemistry Award Winners

Every year the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® (ACS GCI) awards students pursuing green chemistry and engineering research grants and travel funding to present their research at green chemistry and engineering conferences. This year, ACS GCI awarded four p

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0 0 1,050
Honored Contributor
19th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference: “Greening Your Research” Student Workshop and Education Sessions

Contributed by Ashley Baker, Intern, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

Early Monday morning, leading up to the 19th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference (GC&E), this year’s student workshop began with nearly seven dozen alphabetized nametags and

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0 0 814
Honored Contributor
NC-ACS helps Science Olympians use the Climate Science Toolkit Nationwide

Contributed by Kimberly Gervase, Executive Director, North Carolina Science Olympiad, and Melissa Pasquinelli, PhD, 2013 Chair of the North Carolina section of ACS.

Thanks to a generous grant from the ACS and the extensive resources available on the Climat

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0 0 667
Honored Contributor
Climate Change COP’s: Students aim to put an end to climate change

Contributed by Keith Peterman, Professor of Chemistry, York College of Pennsylvania

Climate change is the defining sustainability issue of our time.  Today’s youth are the first generation to feel the adverse impacts of climate change. And, in the words o

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0 0 647
Honored Contributor
Charting the Path Forward: An Education Roadmap for Green Chemistry

You are here. The red dot at the edge of a map. You’re not quite sure where you’re going and there’s no clear path to get to the yet unknown destination. The first step, now, is to visualize where you’d like to go. Then you can plan, draw the roads, and w

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0 2 1,244
Honored Contributor
“Silver Mirror": From stoichiometric to catalytic

Contributed by Mingxin Liu, graduate student at McGill University

Oxidation of aldehyde towards carboxylic acid is a very common reaction in organic chemistry. At the same time, it is also an unavoidable element of the bio-metabolic pathway. In cytoplasm,

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0 0 718
Honored Contributor
Howard University International Collaborations in Drug Discovery and Development

Contributed by Tiffany N. Ellison, Joseph R. Fortunak, Frederick E. Nytko III, Howard University, Department of Chemistry

Some time ago (December, 2012) we published a story about the work being done by Professor Joseph Fortunak and his research group at H

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1 0 1,203
Honored Contributor
Research Experience for Undergraduates

The Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC) at Michigan State University invites applications from undergraduate students interested in a career in bioenergy to participate in their Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program during the sum

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0 0 504
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry Student Awards Deadline Approaching

Are you a student looking to be recognized for your efforts in green chemistry research? If so, there are two awards administered by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to look into!

The ACS GCI Joseph Breen Memorial Fellowship Award sponsors young, interna

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0 0 553
Honored Contributor
The Magic of Learning Through Collaboration- Queens University

Contributed by David Mody, TEAM Director and Oxana Shibaeva, TEAM Program Associate

Every year, since 1995, senior undergraduate students from engineering, geology, environmental studies, biology, commerce and law, partner with industry to work on the most

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0 0 2,387
Honored Contributor
IN4GC: Integrating Green Chemistry and the Social Sciences

Contributed by Adam Halpert, Manager - Research, Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, McGill Univeristy

While green chemistry is typically seen as the domain of chemists and chemical engineers, social scientists are actively exploring the

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0 0 654
New Contributor
Need for a Green Chemistry Education Roadmap

Over the past several months, I’ve been traveling from coast to coast and abroad discussing the idea of a green chemistry and engineering education roadmap. The concept of a roadmap has emerged from listening to the needs of the green chemistry community.

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0 0 1,181
Wanted: Green Chemistry Education and Skills for Careers in Industry

Chemistry has historically been considered a discipline that could guarantee you a job. When chemistry is everything, how could it ever be otherwise? Unfortunately, in recent years in the United States we have begun to observe "otherwise." In 2012, an Ame

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1 0 2,819