GCI Nexus Blog - Page 16

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GCI Nexus Blog - Page 16

The Nexus Blog and Newsletter is published by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to connect and expand the global green chemistry and engineering community. Learn more about us: www.acs.org/gci.
Honored Contributor
Nine Key Research, Development and Demonstration Needs Identified by Alternative Separations Report

By David Constable, Science Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute

In 2013, members of the American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute (ACS GCI) Chemical Manufacturers Roundtable (ChMRT), conceived a project to identify how to fundamentally change

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0 0 1,131
Honored Contributor

By Jenny MacKellar, Program Manager, ACS Green Chemistry Institute

Here at ACS GCI, ensuring that the next generation of chemists is educated with a green chemistry perspective is one of our strategic priorities. Over the years, ACS GCI has developed and l

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0 0 2,167
New Contributor
Eight Students Win Green Chemistry Awards

By Evan Riley, Communication Associate, ACS Green Chemistry Institute


In order to reimagine chemistry for a more sustainable future, the next generation of chemists needs to have a working knowledge of green and sustainable chemistry principles and practi

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0 0 1,804
Honored Contributor

By Ian Mallov, Ph.D., Research Chemist at inkbox Tattoos

You might have seen news of the young sperm whale who died on a beach in Scotland two weeks ago. A necropsy of the animal found more than 100 kilograms of plastic in its stomach. Fishing nets, plasti

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0 0 2,709
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director – End of the Year Wrap Up

Amazingly, another year is drawing to a close – it is hard to believe that 20 years ago we were worried about Y2K!  The end of every year brings a time for reflection on the current year and anticipation for the coming year.  2019 has been a good year for

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0 0 939
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director:  From San Diego to Botswana—and Announcing a New Education Project!

It was lovely to see so many of you at the ACS National Meeting in San Diego in August! Green chemistry symposia were presented across numerous divisions on a variety of topics. The ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable organized a workshop, an organic sympos

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0 0 1,763
Contributor III
Green Labs: Reducing Chemistry’s Footprint on Campuses (and Beyond)

By Christiana Briddell, Sr. Communications Manager, ACS GCI; Jennifer MacKellar, Program Manager, ACS GCI; Marta Gmurczyk, Safety Portfolio Manager, ACS

Today’s environmental headlines are replete with sustainability topics from climate change to plastics

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0 0 3,199
Honored Contributor

Each year ACS Student Chapters incorporate green chemistry outreach and activities into their programming in order to receive the Green Chemistry Award. The Green Chemistry Student Chapter Award, created eighteen years ago through a collaboration between

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0 0 965
Contributor III
Equipping Chemists to Meet Global Sustainability Challenges

Representing the largest body of chemists in the world, the American Chemical Society has an important role to play in supporting its members and working with partners committed to addressing global sustainability challenges. In part two of this series, w

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2 0 1,983
Honored Contributor

Dr. Bryony Core, Senior Technology Analyst at IDTechEx

We live in the age of plastic. Our lives have become so enmeshed with it that it is becoming impossible to avoid in day to day life. Its uses are myriad: saving lives in medical devices, reducing carbo

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0 0 2,582
Contributor III

The Peter J. Dunn Award for Green Chemistry & Engineering Impact in the Pharmaceutical Industry will be presented October 25, 2019 to Prof. B. Frank Gupton at the NESACS Process Chemistry Symposium in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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Contributor III
Six Grant Winners Announced by the ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable

Left to right: Fernando Albericio, Beatriz G. de la Torre, Mark Mason, Aaron Vannucci, Arnaud Voituriez, Susan Olesik, and Ryan Shenvi.


Researchers from four U.S. institutions as well as South Africa and France received a total of almost $200,000 in fundi

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0 0 2,829
Honored Contributor

By David J.C. Constable, Science Director of the American Chemical Society’s Green Chemistry Institute

Since 2013 I’ve had the privilege of being part of the ACS Summer School on Sustainable Energy and Green Chemistry.  Each year there are about 60 student

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2 1 1,000
Honored Contributor
Setting the Scene: Blooming Green Chemists and the ACS Summer School Experience

By Michelle Muzzio, Graduate Student, Brown University

I never realized how much location could profoundly change an experience until I was walking to class about to learn more about green chemistry from some of the world’s leading experts on the topic, wa

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0 0 6,201
Contributor III
The Moonshot of our Times: Meeting the Challenge of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (with chemistry)

By Christiana Briddell, Communication Manager, ACS Green Chemistry Institute

In a cultural and political climate that grows increasingly more divisive and nationalistic, the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) stand as a clarion call for decisive and

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0 0 2,472