GCI Nexus Blog - Page 25

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GCI Nexus Blog - Page 25

The Nexus Blog and Newsletter is published by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to connect and expand the global green chemistry and engineering community. Learn more about us: www.acs.org/gci.
Honored Contributor
Featured GC&E Organizer: Brian Sparling, Amgen

Leading up to the GC&E Conference we will be posting interviews with our 2017 GC&E Conference organizers to learn a little more about them and the excellent sessions you can look forward to at this year’s conference!

Brian Sparling, Ph.D., Scientist, Medi

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0 0 1,118
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry News Roundup: February 25 – March 3, 2017

French VC Has Raised the Largest Green Biotech Fund in Europe

March 3, 2017 | LabioTech

The largest biotech VC in France, Sofinnova Partners, is banking on the emerging sector of bio-based, sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels.  Its new fund of €106M wi

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0 0 1,170
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry News Roundup: February 18 -24, 2017

How Sustainability Efforts and Eliminating Waste Can Boost Brand Perception

February 23, 2017 | Green Biz

Perceptions of a company’s environmental record are intertwined with perceptions of a product and play a role in whether many of us buy Brand X or Bran

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0 0 1,327
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry News Roundup: February 11 – February 17, 2017

Timberland Partners with Thread International to Incorporate Plastic Waste into Fabrics

February 17, 2017 | GreenBiz

Thread transforms trash that has been collected and sorted by local workers in Haiti — where mounds of plastic bottles clogging waterways ar

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0 0 3,213
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director

By Mary M. Kirchhoff, Ph.D., Acting Director, ACS GCI; Executive Vice President of Scientific Advancement, ACS

I had the privilege of attending the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) “Arc of Science: Research to Results” event on Capitol Hill last evening

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0 0 942
Honored Contributor
Activation and Discovery of Earth-Abundant Metal Catalysts Enabled by Sodium tert-Butoxide

Contributed by J. H. Docherty and S. P. Thomas, EaStCHEM School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh

Chemical catalysis is an engine that powers modern society. The majority of modern chemical transformations, however, rely on the use of precious metals,

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0 1 4,404
Honored Contributor
Transforming End-of-Life Bits Into Tomorrow’s Atoms: Society’s Love Affair and Breakup with Technology (Part 1)

Contributed by Mark Evans, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Camston Wrather

This three-part series will explore the task of implementing a green chemical reaction discovered and researched in the laboratory to an industrial scale, taking into conside

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0 0 2,781
Honored Contributor
“There’s a Great Future in Plastics”

Contributed by Mats Linder, Ph.D., Project Manager, Ellen MacArthur Foundation

When Mr. McQuire told Dustin Hoffmann’s character Ben about the great future in plastics in the 1967 classic The Graduate, he didn’t know how right he was. In the 50 years since

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0 0 1,581
Honored Contributor
Open Education: Connecting green chemistry with social & environmental justice (#GCSEJ)

Contributed by Ed Brush, Professor of Chemistry, Bridgewater State University, ebrush@bridgew.edu, @GreenChemEd

Momentum is growing for the green chemistry education roadmap project (C&E News) and for the impact of systems thinking in chemistry education.

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0 0 865
Honored Contributor
Boron Nitride: A New Selective Catalyst for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane

Contributed by Joseph T. Grant, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ive Hermans, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Chemical & Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Chemical catalysis play

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0 0 2,020
Honored Contributor
Green CO2NCRETE(TM) for Sustainable Construction

Contributed by Cheng-Wei Lin, Ph.D. candidate; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles; Bu Wang Ph.D.; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles; Richard Kaner, Disting

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0 0 4,084
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry News Roundup January 14th – 27th 2017

Target Tightens Grip Over Chemicals in Bid to Make Goods Safer

January 25, 2017 | Bloomberg

Target Corp. introduced a sweeping new policy governing chemicals in products, a move that will push hundreds of suppliers to list ingredients in everything from fr

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0 0 1,161
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry News Roundup January 28th – February 3rd 2017

Green Chemistry Professor Among Victims of Quebec City Mosque Shooting

January 31, 2017 | Chemical and Engineering News

Khaled Belkacemi, 60, was a professor of soil and agri-food engineering at Laval University. He earned his bachelor of science in chemica

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0 0 1,070
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry News Roundup February 4 – February 10, 2017

What's New in Cosmetic Green Chemistry?

February 9, 2017 | Cosmetics Design

Cosmetics Design interviews Dr. Barbara Olioso, founder of The Green Chemistry Consultancy, to get her take on the latest in green cosmetics chemistry.

Sodium Benzoate as an Alternat

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0 0 1,638
Honored Contributor
Critical Elements Series: Helium Shortage to Occur in the Next 25-50 years

Contributed by Amanda Morris and Lauren Winstel, Research Assistants, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

As the second most abundant element in the universe, it seems strange to think of helium as endangered. The gas has a wide variety of uses, from cryogenics

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0 0 8,006