GCI Nexus Blog - Page 43

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GCI Nexus Blog - Page 43

The Nexus Blog and Newsletter is published by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to connect and expand the global green chemistry and engineering community. Learn more about us: www.acs.org/gci.
Contributor III
Dr. Frances Arnold: Looking for Novelty through Directed Evolution

Catalysis, the process of reducing a reaction’s energy requirement through use of a catalyzing agent, is a standard design principle of green chemistry. Yet many of the catalysts that chemists use are made out of rare metals like platinum. Figuring out ho

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0 0 3,466
Honored Contributor
Turning Over a New Leaf With Sustainable Agriculture

Contributed by Ann Lee-Jeffs, Business Manager, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

Jack Bobo holds a special place in the world of food, science, and agriculture. He is a leading edge thinker and speaker working at the intersection of science, law and policy.

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0 0 874
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director

Contributed by David Constable, Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

Last week I had the privilege of seeing the work of three National Science Foundations centers. There are a total of eight centers that have received Phase II funding since 2007, and

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0 0 1,024
Honored Contributor
Green Chemistry and Agriculture in Brazil

Contributed by Sílvio Vaz, Jr., Research scientist at Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation

Brazil is one of the largest agricultural producer around the world. The country has a diversified biomass production from agriculture based on grains and fru

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0 0 803
Honored Contributor
EPA Delves Deeper into Corporate Sustainability Data

Contributed by Daniel Teitelbaum, Pollution Prevention Team Lead, Toxics Release Inventory Program, US EPA

For more than two decades, EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program has required industrial facilities to disclose both their environmental relea

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0 0 1,086
Honored Contributor
Howard University International Collaborations in Drug Discovery and Development

Contributed by Tiffany N. Ellison, Joseph R. Fortunak, Frederick E. Nytko III, Howard University, Department of Chemistry

Some time ago (December, 2012) we published a story about the work being done by Professor Joseph Fortunak and his research group at H

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1 0 1,204
Honored Contributor
2014 Year in Review - ACS GCI Industrial Roundtables

The ACS Green Chemistry Institute® would like to thank the 43 corporations that worked collaboratively and non-competitively throughout 2014 to catalyze the integration of sustainable and green chemistry and engineering in the global chemical enterprise.

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0 0 1,058
Contributor III
The ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable Celebrates its 10th Year

In the early 2000s, the director of the ACS Green Chemistry Institute®, Dr. Paul Anastas, initiated a discussion with the Dr. Berkeley “Buzz” Cue, a leader in green chemistry at Pfizer, about the possibility of starting a collaborative group that would wo

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0 0 768
20 Years of Pharma in PGCCA

This month we have dedicated The Nexus to green chemistry and public health, and at the nexus of these issues is the pharmaceutical industry and their innovation processes. As an industry dedicated to developing products that can save people’s lives, typi

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1 0 734
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director

Contributed by David Constable, Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

In late January I had the opportunity to attend the LAUNCH forum. In case you are not familiar with LAUNCH, you can find out more about it here.  This year the LAUNCH partners develop

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0 1 761
Honored Contributor
ToxCast and Public Health Toxicology

Contributed by Marie Bourgeois PhD, MPH Research Assistant Professor Center for Environmental/Occupational, Risk Analysis and Management Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, University of South Florida College of Public Health

For decades,

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0 0 717
Honored Contributor
Gluing You Back Together Again: The chemistry behind TissuGlu, the first FDA approved internal tissue adhesive

By Eric J. Beckman, Bevier Professor Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh; Co-Director, Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation; Co-founder, Cohera Medical Inc.

On February 4 of this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Admin

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0 0 1,376
Honored Contributor
Recap of the 5th Asia-Oceania Conference

Contributed by Professor R. K. Sharma, University of Delhi, Honorary Secretary, Royal Society of Chemistry (London), North India Section Coordinator, Green Chemistry Network Centre

The 5th Asia-Oceania Conference, jointly organized by the Royal Society of

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0 0 1,249
Honored Contributor
Sustainable Approaches in the Dyeing and Textile Industry in India: Part 2

Recently we asked Dr. C.N. Sivaramakrishnan, a distinguished senior scientist from the Society of Dyes & Colorists in India to respond to some questions to give us a sense of the sustainability challenges and opportunities in the dyeing industry in India.

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0 0 961
Honored Contributor
Research Experience for Undergraduates

The Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC) at Michigan State University invites applications from undergraduate students interested in a career in bioenergy to participate in their Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program during the sum

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0 0 504