GCI Nexus Blog - Page 45

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GCI Nexus Blog - Page 45

The Nexus Blog and Newsletter is published by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® to connect and expand the global green chemistry and engineering community. Learn more about us: www.acs.org/gci.
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director

Contributed by David Constable, Contributed by David Constable, Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

Last week I attended and spoke at a Materials Research Society meeting. It was very interesting despite having only a short time to spend there, but I

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0 0 609
Honored Contributor
Use of Water in Chemistry Synthesis

Contributed by Umayr Sufi, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology undergraduate at the University of California, Davis, for the ACS GCI "What's Your Green Chemistry?" Campaign

Taking an Organic Chemistry course at my community college, my interest grew into th

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0 0 1,529
Honored Contributor
The Magic of Learning Through Collaboration- Queens University

Contributed by David Mody, TEAM Director and Oxana Shibaeva, TEAM Program Associate

Every year, since 1995, senior undergraduate students from engineering, geology, environmental studies, biology, commerce and law, partner with industry to work on the most

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0 0 2,388
Honored Contributor
Are Polyolefins Really Cheaper than Sustainable Alternatives?

Contributed by Stephen A. Miller, Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Florida; Chief Technology Officer, U.S. Bioplastics

The enormous utility of polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, and other polyolefins cannot be disp

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1 1 2,548
Honored Contributor
Message from the Director

Contributed by David Constable, Director, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

In the past month there have been several notable events I’d like to talk about. On the 16th of October I was privileged to be a part of the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awa

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0 0 724
New Contributor III
Ecovative: Would you like mushrooms with that?

Chemists are striving to find unique, effective and eco-friendly ideas for creating sustainable polymers. Entrepreneurs, Eben Bayer and Gavin McIntyre went outside the box when coming up with an innovative way to create a sustainable polymer, resulting in

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0 0 1,192
Honored Contributor
Turning Waste from Whisky-Making into Fuel: Close to commercial reality?

A start-up company in Scotland is working to capitalize on the tons of waste produced by one of the country’s most valued industries and turn the dregs of whisky-making into fuel. Celtic Renewables, formed in 2011, has refined its process based on a centu

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0 0 521
Honored Contributor
Can Plants Edge Out Petroleum as Raw Material for Textiles and Plastics?

Your next pair of spandex pants could be made out of corn — or, more precisely, from dextrose derived from corn. This option is part of a new wave, albeit a small one, of consumer goods that are being produced from plants rather than petroleum-based mater

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0 0 506
Honored Contributor
Myths and Realities of Plastics

By Ann Lee-Jeffs, Founder, Sustainability Collaborative

A life without plastics in the 21st century society is a life that is unimaginable and unthinkable for most of us. Plastics are ubiquitous and they are an integral part of our lives: we eat with them,

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1 0 2,386
Honored Contributor
Green Polymers Conference in Cologne, Germany

Press Release contributed by Dr. Sally Humphreys, Business Development Manager, Applied Market Information Ltd.

Everyone is doing it – looking for better materials to become more sustainable. It is good for the environment and it is also good for the brand

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0 0 465
Honored Contributor
IN4GC: Integrating Green Chemistry and the Social Sciences

Contributed by Adam Halpert, Manager - Research, Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, McGill Univeristy

While green chemistry is typically seen as the domain of chemists and chemical engineers, social scientists are actively exploring the

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0 0 656
Honored Contributor
Sustainable Polymers 101

Contributed by Jennifer Henderson, Director of Outreach, Education, and Diversity, Laura Seifert, Managing Director , and Marc Hillmyer, Director of the Center for Sustainable Polymers, University of Minnesota CSP

Polymers are long chain molecules comprise

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0 0 1,414
The Importance of Metrics

The theme of this month’s Nexus Newsletter is metrics. But what are metrics? And why did we choose to dedicate an entire issue to them? Broadly speaking, metrics are systems of measurement used to track and evaluate performance. They are helpful for compa

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1 0 1,107
Honored Contributor
National Research Council Report Presents A Framework to Guide Selection of Chemical Alternatives

Contributed by David Dorman, Professor of Toxicology at North Carolina State University and Chair of the National Research Council committee

Growing concerns about the health and environmental impacts associated with some chemical products and processes—th

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0 0 879
New Contributor III
Green Chemistry Reagent Guides

While solvents may get all the limelight as being the largest input to pharmaceutical manufacturing processes, reagents, substances or compounds added to a system to create a chemical reaction, are also important components to focus on when taking the gre

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2 0 4,061